Learn about the Certified Professional Midwife

Did you know that Georgia provides a way to mark on the birth certificate that it was and Intended Homebirth? This is helpful to us in tracking the number of births attended by a non-nurse midwife.

MANA Stats is a project of the Division of Research of the Midwives Alliance of North America, an organization inclusive of all forms of midwifery. Midwives Alliance midwives have been collecting their statistics for research purposes since the 1990s. The MANA Statistics Project (MANA Stats) online data collection was launched in November 2004 and continues today.

The MANA Statistics Registry (MANA Stats) has gathered has over 24,000 records in the initial 2.0 dataset (2004-2009), with more than 15,000 records completed in the second 3.0 dataset (2009-2011). Over 1000 records are contributed monthly to our third dataset 4.0 via a state-of-the-art web-based electronic data collection system. As of June 2016 we passed 100,000 records in the combined datasets.

These stats represent all reported community births in Georgia from 2012-2017.

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How can CPMs be a critical part in solving our maternity care crisis?

CPMs are licensed in 39 states and the District of Columbia, including every state surrounding Georgia… and the number is growing.

  • The CPM is a credential administered by the North American Registry of

    Midwives and accredited by the National Commission for Certifying Agencies.

  • Relying on the national credentialing agency to set standards and administer examinations saves states money and provides assurance that midwives have met national psychometrically sound standards. 

What are the differences between Certified Professional Midwives and Certified Nurse Midwives?
CPMs are nationally credentialed and enter the profession directly through midwifery training.
The scope of practice includes care for women in pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period, and care of the newborn. CPMs are qualified to practice in all settings, with specific training and expertise in providing services in homes and free-standing birth centers. CNMs are nationally credentialed and enter the profession through nursing, with additional training in midwifery. CNMs have prescriptive authority in all 50 states, and are defined as primary care providers under federal law. While CNMs are qualified to practice in all birth settings, the majority of CNMs attend births in hospitals.

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For Other Providers


For Policy Makers

Who are Certified Professional Midwives? What kind of care are they trained to give? How long is their training? Who certifies it?

Learn More.

New to the Certified Professional Midwife? Although this credential has existed for over 40 years, you may not have heard of this growing body of maternity care providers.

Learn more here.

National Govenor’s Association Maternal and Infant Health Initiative Playbook (recommends increasing perinatal workforce, honoring culturally sensitive care, and prioritizing maternal health that can be offered in the community setting.)

Black Mamas Matter Issue Brief: Expanding Midwifery Licensure in Georgia